I must say that i'm so depressed and angry with the state of affairs of my country right now. the political upheaval has reached a stage where there's no decency any more in the day-by-day administration of public affairs.
the recent arrest of three malaysian citizans, 2 chinese and 1 malay tops it. the defensive action by the government shows what a mediocre leader our prime minister is, almost laughable.
i'm angry they used the archaic and draconian law ISA, which can arrest a person indefinitely by not bringing them to be charged in court. they are truly desperate and desperation takes desperate measures.
we have strongly voiced ourselves against those Muslim detainees in the Guatanamao Bay, but we are still doing it, how better are we fromm therm? aint responsible leaders should be accountable, honest and trusworthy, not like the present leadership who are all the opposite!
i'm truly bursting at the seams!!!