This Ramadhan and the coming Syawal are the firsts of many that will come and go without my mom. No words could portray how much I"m missing her. it just went so deep in my heart, the voidness, the incomplicity of it all. the feelings you have when a piece of yourself was not there. not surprising because we all shared a part of her in our soul, the sharing that formed through the lifeline which began from the umbilical cord and extended all throughout our lives. i think everybody misses her so much. we rarely speak up tho', we did not say her name. coz if we did, i suspect there would not be a dry eye around.
what i remembered most at this time of the year was her excellent tasty cooking, especially her signature dish, the asam tumis. my mom's assam tumis could not be rivalled. her simple assam tumis ikan kembung itself would make your mouth water. the leftover would make you want to goreng cekodok just so you could still enjoy the feel of the assam tumis more. my mom was also the best with her traditional kuih muih. her excellent karipap with beef filled curried tapioca or potatoes, her 'cucur badak', and my favourite would still be the 'massala vadai', a traditional Indian 'kuih'. just her simple 'cucur udang' was enough to make you want for more tasty kuih in store...
my memories of her traditional 'kuih muih' and her dishes were so strong during this Ramadhan that each time I visited a bazaar Ramadhan I constantly looked for these dishes, bought them, tasted them and found them wanting. i still wanted my Mom's cooking..... Aku miss giler Mak!!