The new year 2008 started badly for some people, certainly for Dato' Seri Chua Soi Lek, the ex-Health Minister and his family. he resigned from his office to the pressure asserted by the 'whiter than white', 'holier than thou' people of malaysia. the tumble down was attributed to a scandalous sexual relationship between him and his 'girlfriend' captured on a widely disseminated DVD.
if you were thinking that what a waste it was, yeah... it was not the first time you heard a man falls from disgrace due to a woman. still remember JFK, Nixon and clinton? they were US presidents, for god's sake. what with a mere federal minister, eh? hail to the wife, the unfortunate datin seri, whom was prepared to forgive and will stand by his man. typical female's reactions. whatever it is, you will there for your man, although it hurts, it bleeds you dry, you sob and and you wade in tears, but you do that secretly. in the open you show tremendous courage..
i know how it feels and i sympathize to the datin ser and many other women out there, sharing the same fate as we did. i have been dealt the same fate and i'm sure there are more women like us outside.. infidelity seem like a second nature to men. they must do it, soon or late. for some it is accelerated by fame and wealth, and to some it was barricaded by iman and love. but still the nature of a beast is to conquer and to show that they are lord and master. must be the cave-men genes! and how it has mutated into a monster!
to some unfortunate wives, if you cannot take it, leave it. there's no sense hanging on to a lost cause, girl. i'm saying it 'a lost cause' because if they have done it once, they will do it again, especially if they can get away with it the first time. it's just like a polygamous muslim man, if they have breached the milestone of marrying for the second time, then the third and the fourth would come so easily.
i know most women hold on to the institution of marriage although your heart breaks everytime and your pillow is wet by your tears every night you were left alone. but just think that, if you couldnt make yourself happy, how can you make others happy, your children, for instance? i know this sounds so selfish, but i think everyone should leave to the fullest and grab happiness for life is certainly short. for all you know, you wallow in self pity until one fine day you wake up and your days are numbered. then you will regret that you have missed so much.
but then it still depends on whether you can diagnose the two timing self centred beast soon or late. they can be so smug, they think a woman can be so gullible, huh. i guess after living with a man for some time, when you have woken up to his tahi mata daily, seeing him relieving himself in the toilet, seeing his bare ass everyday, it's not so difficult to read between the lines or to detect his mind was on some other girls. sometimes they think we are so stupid, which is their biggest handicap.
i read the tell tale signs easily, when my ex kept trying to lose my hands, attempting to play down the affection we always show in public, yeah no more holding hands lest it was seen by people now associated with the new woman.. the far away looks as if trying to remember other times spent with another woman, the excuses for not being home, less time spent together, and with the era of handphones... inserting new passwords and switching off the phones whenever he was in the toilet. also deleting all call lists and message inbox! he started to pick on the smallest tiny weeny details just to blow it out of proportion, as if trying to look for your weakness all the time. also may be daring you to leave him?
well i finally left him. i hope to all women still being psychologically suppressed, don't think that you cannot leave without him. act fast, for your own sanity.... in the end a woman has it in her to emerge as the victor! someone has said it before, behind every successful man there is a woman, behind every failed man, there are more than one women! it's their loss, our gain. think positive.
1 comment:
bravo, well said
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