Monday, October 30, 2006

Too good to be true

may be once or twice in your lifetime
you get what you want
what you really wish for
and you want to clasp it near you
you want to make it forever yours
for fear if you let go
it will be forever gone

once in your lifetime
you meet your soul partner
out of time
out of nowhere
out of your wildest imagination

just bear in mind
on the face of God's earth
nothing or no one really belongs to a mortal
a temporary solution
to test your sincerity
your allegiance
to the Most Beneficient and the Most Merciful

some things are too good to be true
they are bound to be taken away
like an illusion
in the cold light of the day
God may test you yet again....

a harsh reminder
not all that you want
is best for you
and all that you detest
probably works for you in the long run
for God's ways
are twisted
and beyond our contemplation
a fate to encounter
a mystery to all

so be sincere
be honest
when you hand over your fate
into God's hands
pray that He leads you to the rightful path
the least hurtful to your soul
to allow you a drop of happiness
in an ocean of misery
for with Him lie all that's good and permanent

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