Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Eye Forensic!

Apparently there's a commercially available card to examine for suspects under the influence of CNS stimulants/depressants, narcotics, cannabis, hallucinogen, etc!
Pupillary reactions include dilatation, constriction or normal, and also reaction to light.
Other eye signs include nystagmus (horizontal or vertical).

It is a 3”x5” card with possible reactions to various classes of drugs and pupil gauge ranging from 1.0mm to 9.0mm increments.

There's also a description for body temperature and blood pressure as weel.
Handy for the police!

Price: $10.35

Drug reaction card & pupillometer

Monday, September 06, 2010

BMI factsheet

I've inserted the BMI calculator on the right hand side of this page.

You can also find details on BMI on the factsheet here

Is your BMI status normal?

                                      Principal cut-off points

Underweight                    <18.50 

Severe thinness               <16.00 

Moderate thinness           16.00 - 16.99 

Mild thinness                   17.00 - 18.49 

Normal range                  18.50 - 24.99 

Overweight                      ≥25.00

Pre-obese                       25.00 - 29.99

Obese                            ≥30.00 

Obese class I                  30.00 - 34-99 

Obese class II                 35.00 - 39.99 

Obese class III                 ≥40.00